SmartMail Voice
SmartMail Voice Voicemail Service
We will provide a local voicemail number, or we can port your existing number in from another carrier. All voicemails left at your number will automatically be emailed to you as an MP3 sound file, and will also be held on our system for call-in retrieval for 30 days. You can also listen to or download voicemails from our OSS portal. Once you have your voicemail as an MP3 file, it can be stored on disk, forwarded or just deleted. There is no limit to the voicemails you receive and no per-message or other additional charges. Toll free SmartMail VOICE numbers are also available separately with a nominal per-minute charge.
Combine with Local Phone Service. Many subscribers combine SmartMail VOICE with their local telephone service. We can setup your phone service to forward to SmartMail VOICE if your line is busy or doesn’t answer.
Never A Busy Signal. Our system is designed to handle any load of incoming calls. No matter how many calls you get at once, your callers will get through every time.
No Extra Fees. SmartMail Voice incurs only the monthly account fee of 10.00 plus taxes/surcharges. There are never any usage charges or any other surprise charges (unless you purchase toll-free service also).